In the Inuit language, Innavik means
''A pouch in which one would keep flint and moss to start a fire.''
The Innavik Hydro Project is a medium-sized (7.5 MW) run-of-river hydro project that is being developed on the Innuksuac River. Once complete, the power generated by the project will replace the need for diesel generated power in Inukjuak. Innavik will produce enough energy to allow Inujuak to continue to grow for the next 40 years.
This means no more diesel generated electricity, and no more mazurkas for heating homes and hot water. Instead, Inukjuak’s homes will be powered by clean, renewable energy.
Innavik will:
Offer 200+ person-years of employment during construction, including local Inuit jobs and contracted services,
Create spin-off economic development opportunities during and after construction,
Improve community air quality by eliminating pollution from diesel generators,
Enhance food security in the community by powering a new greenhouse,
Use project earnings to meet community social, educational, and traditional lifestyles needs of children, youth and elders, and
Invest in economic entrepreneurship opportunities.
Innavik is now delivering power to Inukjuak residents. Based on the input of community members, the project has been designed to be sensitive to the local environment including: caribou, fisheries, and the river itself.
Learn more about the project in Inuktitut here or in English here.
Click here to read the Kativik environmental quality commission authorization.
Click here to read the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques certificate of authorization in Inuktitut. For the English version, click here.
To read the Environmental Assesments Reports:
- Summary
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